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How do I know if my subject line is crap?

How do I know if my subject line is crap?

Free tools that do a decent job at headline analysis are rare. But Coschedule’s Headline Analyzer is quite good. Simply plug in your headline idea and Coschedule’s Headline Analyzer will give you a score like “74”. And they’ll also tell you what you’re rocking and where you can improve.

3 tips to help you rock your newsletter on a regular basis

3 tips to help you rock your newsletter on a regular basis

Do you catch yourself apologising every time you write a newsletter: “I’m sorry, it’s been ages since I last wrote to you…”? Life happens, even to the best of us. But there are a few really simple things you can do to help you get into the newsletter groove. None of these tips are rocket science, but I hope they inspire you to rock your newsletter regularly!

Why use content blocks in MailChimp

Why use content blocks in MailChimp

Here are my top reasons why you should embrace using content blocks when crafting HTML newsletters. They include important things like mobile responsiveness, but there are others!