Ultimate guide to planning a new podcast.
Don’t know what goes into planning a podcast? I’ve got you covered!
Don’t know what goes into planning a podcast? I’ve got you covered!
In this episode, we’ll explore some content marketing goals and how to achieve them.
How do you create an efficient repurposing workflow? In this episode, Stevie introduces you to the Repurposing Pyramid which Stevie thinks is a great way to construct an efficient repurposing workflow. To find out how this works, tune in!
Are you trying to decide whether to use Dropbox or Google Drive for your content management? What about a combo of both? Tune in to hear Stevie’s thoughts on what the features and benefits of each platform are and when you might need to use each.
My top 3 resources for creating a killer content marketing plan (and one that will match your personality!)
When it comes down to creating content, how do you make sure you create content consistently and efficiently? Here Stevie’s 4 principles of efficient content creation to get you on the right track.
Email marketing forms a core part of most content marketing strategies. But, it’s not always straightforward. In this post, I’m covering some of the most important questions to get you started with a great newsletter strategy.
How do you get your content into the hands of your audience? That’s the topic of today’s episode. Stevie will walk you through the main content delivery tools she’s using as well as suggesting other tools that are similar. If you’re looking for inspiration for delivering your content better, this episode is for you.
There are many ways to approach writing a blog post. Here’s my non-definitive guide on how I do it most of the time. I hope you find it useful.
What tools do you use to create content? Content creation is varied whether you’re creating written, audio, graphic and or video content. Because Stevie does a mixture of all of these, either for herself or clients, she’s going to walk you through the tools she uses to create her content.
Repurposing isn’t lazy and it isn’t cheating. Repurposing is a cool way to take core concepts and ideas and disperse them across many different forms of media.
Finding a suite of tools to suit your content management needs is a lot of trial and error. So, on today’s episode, Stevie is walking you through the tools that she uses to organise her own content so you might get some ideas and direction on what you can do.
This is part two of Stevie’s two-part series on writing newsletters. In this episode, Stevie covers 3 common mistakes she sees people making with their newsletters and provides really simple fixes for them.
Deciding what tools to keep in your content management toolkit can be a lengthy trial and error process. But here are my tips to making sure you’ve got a solid content management tool kit.
On this episode, Stevie walks you through her approach to planning out a newsletter. You’ll get questions about how you want your audience to feel, recurring sections, and tips on creating a stellar subject line.
Do you procrastinate on getting stuff done? Do deadlines sneak up on you outta nowhere? Want one simple step to start implementing to get in control of your content? Try this.
There are different ways to approach writing a blog post, but it’s not all that complicated. In this episode, Stevie breaks down her steps for writing a blog post, so you can go forth and write blog posts confidently.
You flick through your diary and suddenly realise that you’ve gotta write that blog post and you think… “ugh, oh gawd. I cannot be bothered”. How do you overcome that? Here’s one sneaky hack.
In this episode, Stevie explores in more detail the idea that content is made of starstuff, in particular, our core content is like the core of a star that fuels our online visibility. Listen in to find out more.
On this episode of the One Month Ahead Podcast, Stevie discusses the steps you can take to get ahead when you’re already so far behind. This episode takes a strategic approach to the problem of creating all of the content. Find out how in this episode.
Do you tend to create a piece of content like a blog, video, Facebook post, and never use it again? Do you feel like you never have enough content for all of the things? Here’s the remedy.
Rushing to get something finished just in the nick of time isn’t fun. But how do you make sure you create your content well in advance and give yourself that much needed breathing room? Here’s my 5 step system.
On this episode of the One Month Ahead Podcast, Stevie delves into the world of making decisions about apps. We can all get really easily distracted by an app that seems to solve ALL of our content woes.
Do you feel like there’s just too much stuff to create? In this post, I’m going to show you my tip to decluttering the amount of content you need to focus on.
In this episode, Stevie talks through the one element of her 5 step system to getting content done that has helped her the most and why it might help you too. It’s simple and it takes very little time to implement.
Do you thrive on that half-panicked, adrenaline-fuelled motivation that hits you right before something is due? While you get stuff done, the stress and generally feeling of being disorganised can begin to take it’s toll.
Launching my brand new podcast – One Month Ahead. Helping people like you get one month ahead on their content creation and delivery.
In this episode, Stevie shares with you five simple ways to repurpose your content without being repetitive. She gives you the techniques and helps you to find a repurposing workflow that saves you time.
Do you create something for one place and then forget to reuse it? Or struggle to think of all the ways you could repurpose something? Let me help you out!
In this episode of the One Month Ahead podcast, Stevie discusses how to avoid that overwhelm of creating lots of pieces of content by focusing your efforts on one core piece of content.
Welcome to the first episode of the One Month Ahead Podcast. In this episode, Stevie walks you through the dreaded Night Before Motivation – you know the rush of energy you get just before something is due – and how to overcome it.
Do you have a season or time of year that you’re just more creative? A time when you’re bursting with ideas, and your creative cup runneth over? Do you use that time effectively?
Many of us would LOVE to be able to sit down and write a year’s worth of blog content over a week, but for most of us, that’s not a reality. Here’s something else that might work for you.
Need help managing your MailChimp? Good news is, you don’t have to give someone your login details. Here’s how you can give them permission to access your account without ever handing over your own password!
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with content creation and delivery. Everyone has their own ways of dealing with it, but here’s how I recently handled my own overwhelm. Yes, even I get it too.
What does the day in the life of a content assistant look like? Here, I go behind the scenes and show you what a weekday in my life often looks like. While cataloguing an average day, I noticed some interesting patterns and habits that I have, plus uncover some things I would like to work on.
People who take more small, risk-free or low-risk steps are more likely to take action further on. So, encouraging email replies is a great cost effective way to build up your know-like-trust factor.
Free tools that do a decent job at headline analysis are rare. But Coschedule’s Headline Analyzer is quite good. Simply plug in your headline idea and Coschedule’s Headline Analyzer will give you a score like “74”. And they’ll also tell you what you’re rocking and where you can improve.
Do you catch yourself apologising every time you write a newsletter: “I’m sorry, it’s been ages since I last wrote to you…”? Life happens, even to the best of us. But there are a few really simple things you can do to help you get into the newsletter groove. None of these tips are rocket science, but I hope they inspire you to rock your newsletter regularly!
When your email lands in a person’s inbox, you’d like to pique their curiosity, right? You’d like to be personable, but not in a totally creepy way. One nice touch is to use the First Name merge tag in the preheader. This is not necessary, but it might be something nice for you to try.
A lot of my work is done directly in the browser. Here are two browser-based apps I use every day!
I’m going to share with you the 5 things about content creation/management I learned in September 2016. Come on in and find out what they were!
Here are my top reasons why you should embrace using content blocks when crafting HTML newsletters. They include important things like mobile responsiveness, but there are others!
While I think it’s important to personalise newsletters and bulk emails used in email marketing, please don’t make it hard for people to unsubscribe in the process. A short rant.
Here are my 3 top tips for improving your call to action in your newsletter. It’s not rocket surgery, but sometimes you can get lost focusing on other things.