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Most of us have frogs – things we don’t like doing. Some of you may procrastinate on doing the thing. Or maybe you get up and do it as soon as possible to get it out of the way.

The last method is known as “eat that frog”.

But what if it’d didn’t have to be that way? What if you could find a way to love that frog?

Here are seven tips to loving that frog of yours:

1. Get clear

If you don’t know exactly what it is that makes you hate your frog, you won’t have any idea if it’s something you can work on.

Identify what it might be about the frog that you don’t specifically enjoy. Sit down with a pen and a piece of paper. Write/draw/express what your frog is and write down all the things that go into your frog. Maybe you don’t like creating blog posts for your biz. What is it specifically that you don’t like? Is it the fact that it takes a while to grow a blog following? Do you find the tech confusing?

Once you’re clear, you can work on those things specifically rather than some vague feeling of dislike.

2: What’s the story, Rory?

We’re story-telling creatures by nature. Maybe you have a story that you tell yourself that, like Lizzie from Pride and Prejudice, is keeping you from being able to unlock a love of your frog.

E.g “I’m not a tech person”, or “Sitting in front of a computer stifles my creativity.”

Flip that into something positive and pin it up near where you have to do that task. E.g. “I am capable with technology” or “My computer is a creative space.”

3. Why do other people love it?

Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. See life through someone else’s eyes. All the cliches!

Learn why other people love it. Hate something? Google why others think it’s amazing. You’ll often see a different way of looking at it that you hadn’t before.

Pick your top three and write them down.

4. Three weeks of commitment

Try and commit to it honestly for three whole weeks. 21 days is the optimum time to develop a habit. Commit to learning/using the thing for three weeks with an open and curious mind. Reevaluate at the end of the three weeks.

5. Write it out

Write a letter explaining to the thing you don’t like all of your grievances. For example, Microsoft Word, I find your formatting baffling. Then write a letter in the present tense about what your relationship with this this would look like if you were in love. Use your complaints letter to make a list of things you might be able to work on. E.g. if you don’t like the MailChimp interface, perhaps watch a few videos on YouTube to help you get used to it.

6. Make it a game

Games are often fun-yet-challenging and, at times, frustrating. Think of learning to fall in love with your frog as something that can be tricky, but ultimately you know that if you keep persisting, you’ll get past the harder parts with a sense of accomplishment.

7. Outsource it

Don’t have time to fall in love with it? Can afford someone else to do it for you? Totally outsource it. You’ll love that someone else is giving your frog lots of love.